One of the biggest examples of harassment in panaji, is how a home owner in la campala colony, panaji, goa is being falsely accused of dengue in the area, and threatened with arrest for upcycling icecream cups. She was forced to leave all her work, and remove the ice cream cups immediately on 14 July 2020.
Yet when she checked the home again on 16 July 2020, she found that the cups and containers which she removed were again put in place by those criminally trespassing the house. This clearly exposes the strategy of those filing fake dengue complaints in panaji, goa who defame the home owner will remove all the containers in the open,
With the help of security agencies, those filing fake dengue complaints are also criminally trespassing on the house using master keys to keep containers outdoors so that water is collecte, when the home owner is away and then falsely accusing her of causing dengue in the area.